5 Social Trends of 2021

Social Media
Lightbox with text trends 2023 and color palettes
  1. Remixing is here to stay!
    If you didn’t at least attempt a TikTok trend this year then what were you doing?

    Remixing is when user-generated content takes existing formats, ideas, or templates and recreates them to express a user’s own personality or ideas.

    User-generated content has become an increasingly reliable social media marketing tactic. Brands and consumers find this type of content more authentic and trustworthy. A majority of users trust UGC when it comes to influencing their buying decisions, and people want to see real-life experiences. We will see a surge in UGC content this year through platforms such as TikTok and Instagram.

  2. Reels Trigger Organic Instagram Exposure
    Instagram launched Reels, a new form of video content delivered in 15–30 seconds to create quick, attention-grabbing moments in a creative and entertaining way. Reach is dropping for stories and feed posts but is increasing rapidly for Reels. Instagram Reels are receiving almost 10 times the number of views than your stories or feed posts.

    The Green Screen effect in Reels is great for small businesses because it gives you the ability to share photos, screenshots, or videos in your reel.

  3. Brick & Mortar Stores Welcome Online Shopping on Instagram
    As we adapt to the “new normal,” businesses need to pivot to make sure sales keep coming in and numbers exceed previous years. With the new mandates and measures that are in place to keep consumers safe, stores will have to veer.
    The shift toward contactless shopping will allow stores to thrive in 2021. Social platforms such as Instagram and Facebook have already begun to integrate in-app purchasing. The steps usually required to turn a user into a customer will lower and the gap between ‘scrolling’ and ‘shopping’ will increase.

    To take advantage of these changes, your local business will need to:
    A. Survey your audience to determine their true wants and needs from an online offering
    B. Research and test multiple video platforms to find one that supports your new offerings
    C. Collect contact information from customers to ensure you can be in touch at any time
    D. Sign up for Instagram and Facebook shopping to link products to your social posts

  4. Nostalgia Marketing
    As Covid really started to hit home, we saw an influx of nostalgic content. Naturally, people wanted to remember better times, and connecting with positive memories helps people disconnect from their current struggles. When brands connect with that positive memory, they are then able to build an emotional relationship with the consumer. This is because when the audience feels good, they will then associate your brand with that feeling.

    Going into 2021, brands should use nostalgia and emotion to engage audiences but strategies need to work around uplighting memories or imagination.

  5. Social Causes & Conversations
    Socially conscious marketing will be key for 2021 and brands will have to engage more with topics such as mental health, inclusivity, and justice, or face becoming irrelevant.

    Messaging will need to focus on the brand’s mission statement to really gain consumer loyalty and this will need to be delivered with authenticity to effectively connect with younger audiences.

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